02 Ago The ERC Proof of Concept project PROVA has been funded
We are happy that our ERC Proof of Concept project PROVA (Pitot pRobe for Organic VApours) is among the 62 projects funded by the European Research Council today!
The ERC PoC project PROVA – Pitot pRobe for Organic VApours – at the CREA laboratory (crealab.polimi.it) of Politecnico di MIlano will enable to design, build and calibrate a Pitot probe for flow velocity and Mach number measurements in subsonic and supersonic flows of organic vapours, in Organic Rankine Cycle power systems for renewable energy sources. A solution that raised the interest of the leading ORC players, representing over 90% of the market and of relevant manufacturers in close field of applications (oil & gas, compressors). Industrial partners will use our probe to perform mass flow and velocity measurements in turbines and other components, to validate the design or to assess installed system performances.
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